Accounting Outsourcing for Companies
For us, accounting is our passion and we understand that it is one of the main sources of information for decision-making by companies. We handle the integrated management of the accounting process, from obtaining source documents such as invoices, contracts, etc., to the preparation of accounting records and tax returns, concluding with the presentation of financial reports. Our crew will guide you from the outset and guarantee proper compliance with tax obligations. At the same time, we will help you to correctly apply accounting principles in the company so that you have correctly presented, timely and transparent financial information on hand.
Payroll Outsourcing
We love knowing that we can relieve the stress and tedium of processing monthly payrolls for our clients. Our crew is trained in local rules and regulations which apply to the calculation and processing of payrolls. Our service starts with the receipt of employment contracts and we take care of all records at the control entities. We finish with the individual delivery of the payrolls to the employees, maintaining confidentiality protocols at all times. Likewise, we take care of the process for departing staff and the calculation of severance packages.
Tax Outsourcing
Taxes are treated differently in each country and, for many people, in Ecuador it can be a confusing and difficult path to navigate given the constant tax reforms and updates. Our crew roll up their sleeves and lead the way to guide our clients clearly and in plain language. We make sure that our clients understand the benefits and implications which may result from applying their business model in Ecuador.
One of our specialties is the preparation of monthly and annual tax returns: we work to a calendar of activities to ensure prompt compliance with tax obligations of companies and individuals, and this way our clients can be informed of deadlines from the start of our relationship. We perform our work following strict authorization guidelines and we check the reliability of information supplied by third parties or the client for tax returns.